In Reply to: No film has had three better actors? posted by semuta on April 4, 2011 at 13:57:04:
This data is hard to find, but it exists.
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Follow Ups
- 1 Pacino = .654 Solonitsyn - that's the official exchange rate - Victor Khomenko 07:33:05 04/05/11 (3)
- :-). The naturalness and intelligence of those three is astonishing. It's as if - tinear 12:05:11 04/05/11 (2)
- They are actors as opposed to stars - Victor Khomenko 13:26:56 04/05/11 (1)
- Duvall's been terrible for years. The man who elevated, "True Confessions," and "Lonesome - tinear 08:09:55 04/06/11 (0)