Home Video Asylum

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Best Kept Secret

The Tactic, and Audit will also work on AC3, and DTS audio data streams. Try hooking yours up to the digital out of your DVD player, and then put on one your favorite movies.

TACTIC = T(ransmissiom) A(peture) C(ompensated) T(ransformer) I(nterface) C(oupling) ... breaks ground planes between components, common mode noise rejection, provides isolation from both input linearity's, and impedance mismatches at DAC (reflection), and Pulse Transformer Isolation, allows reduction of noise caused by ground loops, digital circuits, and other sources of RFI

AUDIT = A(ctive) U(nidirectional) D(igital) I(nterface) T(ermination)... Absorbs signal reflection from non resistive input loads. Removes common mode noise caused by ground loops, circuit noise, and RFI.

Removal of noise, and reflections products reduces jitter, and dramatically improves ambiance detail, and resolution ... also improves dynamics, and articulation of high, and low frequency transients

So says their literature, and my ears. Everything sound more natural, and less digital (fatiguing).

I've even used these doubled up ... 2 Tactics back to back, then my PAD Dominus digital cable, then 2 Audits in series back to back with very positive results.

My wild guess is your Tactic, and Audit are breaking the connection/communication between your receiver and your cable box. All digtial components put out degrading noise on the back side due to their normal operation. Your Tactic and Audit are most likely isolating this back side noise, and is preventing it from being injected back into your cable box's power supplies (cleaner power = cleaner picture) were it can degrade the picture quality being fed via your DVI cable.

Or ... it just "MAGIC"


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