Home Video Asylum

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Re: those "freezie" pops

Theres also the fact that the colorspace is bass ackwards when you use hdmi/dvi connection.
My player locked up while trying to start an sd dvd twice.
Certain commands on the remote made popping sounds come through my expensive speakers.
The player once asked me to choose between the HD and dvd box on screen while trying to view an sd dvd...evidently thinking it was a hybrid.
The player is louder than my pc as well as my projector.
The player is very susceptable to hum via analog connection.
The 720p output is useless...there for broken, and the remote is terrible.
The players clip both whites/blacks.
Hdmi errors...as well as Blue Screen.

These players are advertised with DTS-HD...which they will never do...except converting it to core DTS, and are stuck with 2 channel DD Tru-HD, as well as 1080i.

Did I mention there slow.

I don't know how anyone can say the complaints are over blown?

I saw at AVS were some Warner insiders that are making movies for both formats, have the HD-A1, as well as the Samsung BD player.

They said the Samsung is quicker, has no bugs, hdmi errors or fan noise, and they all prefer it to the Toshiba.
Apparently they have actual discs to trip up either formats players.

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  • Re: those "freezie" pops - Greg T 07:18:22 05/14/06 (0)

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