Home Video Asylum

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Home Theatre Help.

I am putting together a system for music and movies with music getting a little more playing time. Room is 17x17x8. I had thought about a Receiver, but I found a great deal on a Lexicon LX-7 amp, so I will likely go with an Arcam AVP-700, Sunfire GTP-5, or Adcom AVM-40 processor with a cheap HDMI DVD player for now( until after the shake-out of HD-DVD Vs. Blu-ray. Speaker Choice? I can get both the Monitor Audio RS8 Silver's/ RS 1's/ RS LcR/ with a to be detemined sub( Have not been that impressed with Monitor subs). I have also researched a Dynaudio Focus 220/ with 140's or 110's/ 200 c. I realize that there are probably many greater choices, however, I can easily get as stated the Monitor Audio's or the Dynaudio's. The Dyn's would be harder and more expensive to get, no dealers in my area. I am leaning toward the RS-Silver's. I have always liked the sound of MA speakers, again they are more affordable than the Dyn's which is important for me now. I wonder if anyone out there has a lot of demo time with any of the indicated speakers, and what would be a good sub, if I go with the Monitor RS 8 Silver's or the Dynaudio's. Which processor of the three would be best and why? Finally, can anyone recommend a stop gap HDMI DVD player for under $200 that is good with music and video. ANy input will be greatly appreciated.

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Topic - Home Theatre Help. - JWALKER 23:02:51 06/13/06 (3)

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