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Re: using stereo amp in HT

I had a similar problem with HT setup in the past not wanting to discard my NAD silver series INT amp....
I wound up buying three Marantz M500 monoblocks to serve up the remaining channels... but then the issue of an HT decoder(this was prologic days) I bought a marantz decoder(model?)
It worked OK but I wound up leaving my 2 ch.for audio, selling the seperate gear & buying a Marantz HT receiver alleviating the hookup hassles, cable costs etc......
I believe that Adcom had a 3 channel amp/decoder maybe the 560? for this purpose..
There are some great HT receivers these days that really have got exc.sonics...
such as Adcom, Arcam,Cambridge audio.NAD,Marantz.......
Hope ths helps...

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  • Re: using stereo amp in HT - FF 07:57:41 06/25/06 (0)

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