I don't recall another film that was depressing to that degree. You almost want to reach for your gun and blow your brains out.
And I kid you not...
Available from Netflix including over the Internet instant play, this is just the ticket for tin. And I am not being smart. He likes to learn about other cultures... here is his golden chance. Lemme tell you, the depiction of dreary life in an Ukrainian town is totally, 100% realistic, down to smallest details, all too familiar and shocking to no end.
We like to sit and complain about our lives... take a look at the film, perhaps it will make you feel better about it.
The film is thick and physically challenging. So far I went through half of it. My wife, after first few minutes looked at some reviews and declared "I've had more than enough", then left the room... I was there to enjoy it all by me-self.
A warning - some images are truly XXX pornographic, so consider this before watching it with your kids and your mother-in-law.
Definitely not a film for everyone... and I am almost don't want to see the second half...
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Topic - Feeling too happy tonight? No worries... "Import Export" will take care of that - Victor Khomenko 07:13:17 04/03/10 (16)
- Yes, a very tough film but one feels he is being exposed to "reality." - tinear 11:51:02 04/05/10 (3)
- The Gipsy town was truly shocking. Forget the Stalker and the Zone... - Victor Khomenko 12:28:35 04/05/10 (2)
- The guy in Austria SPOILER: - tinear 13:50:58 04/05/10 (1)
- Well... color me heartless... :) - Victor Khomenko 14:04:09 04/05/10 (0)
- This is weird, Vic. I have that one up next. After it, the 3 discs of QFTD. nt - tinear 07:57:55 04/03/10 (11)
- "Two patients delivered to two separate hospitals with self-inflicted gun shot wounds to the head..." - Victor Khomenko 08:19:11 04/03/10 (10)
- Hmm...Lazarescu is dark, but it has its moments of humor... - Harmonia 09:34:17 04/03/10 (9)
- You must have a sunny outlook on life - Victor Khomenko 09:56:32 04/03/10 (8)
- The actor is amazing as is the supporting cast and the dialogue and plot surprise at every turn. nt - tinear 16:04:52 04/03/10 (6)
- "and plot surprise at every turn." No surprise... the standard Obamacare. - Victor Khomenko 05:58:16 04/04/10 (5)
- Huh? Compare Obamacare to Germany, France, or Switzerland. Those are the models. nt - tinear 10:22:02 04/04/10 (4)
- Not a strong film overall nt - Victor Khomenko 06:07:47 04/05/10 (3)
- Okay, we disagree. VERY strong film, one of the year's best. nt - tinear 11:47:43 04/05/10 (2)
- I think you are judging purely by emotional impact - Victor Khomenko 12:33:20 04/05/10 (1)
- Lazarescu's acted by a wonderful actor, the script is original, the doctor and several - tinear 07:29:37 04/06/10 (0)
- RE: Disdiapason, what are you waiting from her? - patrickU 10:01:43 04/03/10 (0)