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Re: Through my wife fumes I smell a confusion... it is tin, not Tin!

"However, the fact primitive sex and violence do figure very prominently in American films hardly needs any proof, and yet you let it slide for some reason."

Not at all. Had the topic been sex in American cinema, my rants would have been longer. I'll save you the time of a search. In another thread, moons ago, I posted that I felt that Foreign films are much more mature relative to sex than American films. For example, I cannot recall seeing what I would call gratuitous sex or nudity in a Foreign film. I recall a French film, the name escapes me, which was entirely about the filming of a sex scene in a movie. The film was very contemplative of the subject, not made to stimulate the audience. I shudder to think what that movie would have been had it come from Hollywood. Foreign films I have seen generally treat sex with more maturity than American films.

"I would submit to you that your children are hurt much harder by watching the endless parade of idiots and deviants outdoing each other in mutilation and brutal sex than by observing Depardieu falling in love with his neighbor."

I would never let my kids watch those films. My original point was if not for Hollywood and it's willingness to release films like Toy Story, Nemo, et al., then my son and I would not watch films together. I think there is value in that, regardless of the ultimate merit of the film itself. As I wrote in another thread, I recently watched Children of Heaven, a subtitled Iranian film. As I was watching, he came down to the basement to play, stopped in front of the television and watched with me. He cannot read subtitles. But the concept of watching kids agonize over shoes, together with the beautiful imagery, drew him to the film. I think that Children of Heaven is probably, on a critical level, better than any children's film coming from Hollywood. But those films are few and far between, and I thank Hollywood for producing those types of films.

Adultery in French films. Perhaps an overstatement. What I have noticed is that adultery seems to be treated as a lifestyle choice, rather than potentially destroying a family, particularly with kids involved. That is fine for me. I know better, so I can get past that issue and enjoy the film. But my kids are still learning. Which is why they do not see the litany of violence and sex that comes from Hollywood.

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