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Re: "I am not sure what else he is supposed to do"

Umm maybe he gives credit to his audience -- I have a literature background a theater background at an A level at University - I can appreciate an art film and I am usually far harder on films trying to be "art" than I am on something like Raiders of the Lost Ark. And Raiders in in my top 100 and 81/2 sure is not. (Ebert has both)

I have a BS detecter for wannabe art films and self indulgent tripe that passes itself off as being deep. What exactly does Ebert need to do to educate his audience -- what would you have him tell them SPECIFICALLY in three minutes that will change his audinece from liking Titanic as their favorite movie to liking some foreign classic.

His show is about reviewing what is in theaters he does that. He often has a section of little known films on DVD that people should "check out" usually some very off the beaten track films.

To suggest he should be "develop[ing] and refin[ing] their film tastes" is NOT a critic's job. You want an education then go to University -- and what do you know Ebert teaches at several Universities so he is doing EXACTLY what you want him to do -- educate people on film. If his TV show ONLY catered to film snobs then there would be no tv show -- because Film snobs don't pay for cable after all because *shudder* tv is for morons.

Critics should not dictate to people how or what to think -- it is FAR better to tell people what to see let them formulate an opinion on their own -- it will resonate with them as learners than being told what to conclude about a film or anything else for that matter.

I have read every major US film critic and every one that is linked on Rottentomatoes. Every single one of them at one time or another has recommended a Hollywood mainstream film. How many does it take to be considered a shill?

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